
pink elephants

Our week of spring break has not produced much home cooking other than our first evening with spanakopita. We have, however, done a little spring cleaning, purchasing some much needed items from Target to organize our back room. What we have done a lot of is eating out. And I mean a lot. Lunch, dinner, you name it. We figured since our trip to Cleveland was cancelled we'd use our "saved" money for dinner.

Last night, we went with a work colleague to Brasserie Beck for a beer tasting. I'm not exactly a beer drinker anyway, but if I have to, I'll drink a lambic. I've posted the menus here. As you can see, there were NINE (!) different beers served (plus a bonus beer and bonus whiskey at the close of the evening). Pink elephants were waiting for us when we got home.

Keep sweeping, Martha

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