I went two out of three with a red velvet cake this weekend.
A few years ago, the New York Times had a spread on red velvet cake, and at the time, I cut the recipe out and pasted it in a book, hoping to make it someday. The first time I tried it, I didn't have enough red food coloring. The second time, I lost my nerve. So, this time, I was bound and determined not to let it get the best of me.
Friday night, we planned our attack. But we found more pressing concerns (i.e. we chickened out). So, when Saturday morning came, we had no choice but to dig in. After all, the party for Ella was Saturday night, and we were headed to a tour of the National Portrait Gallery that afternoon. That left only the morning for baking.
Red velvet cake is not easy, especially if you're not a baker. Which I'm not. Mr. Beeton is the more precise one, given his background as a scientist. But, I thought it turned out well. It certainly was pretty.
The guests, however, did not appreciate all our hard work (though Ella did... we have an adorable picture of her with red crumbs all over her snout). In fact, one guest commented, "I love the icing." Um, that was store bought.
We did have two successful items at the party, however. One was white sangria, and the other was chili lime tequila popcorn. Both were delicious. And neither required practicing any sleeper holds prior to prepartion.
Keep sweeping, Martha
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