

The other night I wrote a beautiful post in my head about the impending election when I was having trouble falling asleep. Of course, when I woke up, I had trouble remembering all my profound thoughts. And, now, naturally, it's 10:13 pm, and I still have several research project proposals to grade before I turn in for the night.

But, I couldn't let this momentous occasion pass without a little nod to Obama and Biden (I know I express my love for Joe on Facebook quite a bit, but I'm not sure I've ever publicly declared it on this blog... I've always had a soft spot for him ever since September 11th when he came to speak at the University of Delaware... I swear his moving speech that day was one of the only things that kept me from dissolving). After all, the election in 2008 led to one of the most memorable Januarys I've ever had (a newly pregnant friend and her husband crashing at our house, a late night trip to Georgetown in search of some inaugural action, a delicious dinner at Napoleon prior to the ball, my sweet dress from Reiss, an absolutely electrifying afternoon on the mall, and C, need I remind you just how much Kavanagh's Pizza we ate that weekend?!). It certainly was a weekend to remember.

Keep sweeping, Martha

Finished reading Bloom by Kelle Hampton and Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. 

* Note: I am hosting our bookclub discussion on Gone Girl next week. If you've got any good recipes for a crowd, send them my way!


Living in Gear said...

Sooo much yummy pizza!! You were hosts with the most!! Did you see inaugural ball tix are on sale?

The Chemist said...

I miss hanging out with you guys in Glover Park.

The Chemist said...

I miss hanging out with you guys in Glover Park!

Jackie K said...

Please let me know what everyone thought. I read it this summer.

PS. Sorry, I have no recipes.

Martha Beeton said...

We miss you too!!!