
crazy eights

If you're a longtime follower of The Happy Homekeeper, you may have read previous posts about my love for my dog, Ella, or about our theme parties we have to celebrate her birthday. Well, Ella just turned eight, and we celebrated with a Bloody Mary Birthday Brunch.

I'd like to say that we went all out and made a fabulous spread. But, it was a little weak food-wise. You may recall that last year we baked a red-velvet cake and made tequila lime popcorn. This year, we scrambled some eggs for breakfast burritos, assembled a fruit salad, bought some bagels, and baked some blueberry muffins (from a box). Our Bloody Mary bar was outstanding, though, as were our bellinis. And, the guests who attended were some of the finest - The Chemist included.

I have to say, though, either three Bloody Marys in an afternoon are a bit too much or there was a full moon. Our day ended with a strange request for us to attend a house meeting to vote our downstairs neighbors off the island for a party that they threw the night before (one which we attended, thank you very much) and a late afternoon visit to those downstairs neighbors who apparently keep their apartment unlocked when they are not home. Apparently, everyone has stopped being polite and started getting real here on Calvert Street. Maybe there will be a rose on my doorstep tomorrow morning.

Watched The Secret Lives of Pippa Lee.

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