

Mr. Beeton and I are in the middle of a financial crisis. Okay... that might be a little extreme. We're not exactly broke. We just mismanaged our monthly finances during our trip to Savannah. We grossly overspent, which means these last two weeks we've been making due with what we've got in the fridge until the next paycheck comes.

It's been kind of fun, actually, foraging for food and coming up with recipes using the ingredients that we find. Our week started with Toscana soup, using some frozen chicken sausage stuffed with spinach and feta that we had from the last time we made Toscana soup. The next night, we used some old frozen hamburger meat to make tacos. Following that, we paired our frozen potstickers with a recipe for Basmati rice pilaf, which we'll use again this week for a modified paella, adding the leftover, leftover chicken sausage and red peppers. To satisfy my sweet tooth, I made chocolate chip peanut butter cookies, using leftover chips from Christmas.

Of course, we won't be able to not spend ANY money from now until the end of the month, especially since this week promises visits with a brother, a former roommate, and an aunt, but when we are able to eat at home, we're trying to do so wisely, stocking up with ingredients for cheap meals. I'll let you know how this week's adventures go, if they're as edible (and economical) as last week's.

Keep sweeping, Martha

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