We were so close to having a plot in the nearby community garden this past week that we could almost taste the homegrown lettuce and snap peas. We received an email from the garden manager noting that a particularly pesky plot was up for grabs. Usually, they just go down the list (we're about 2,500 on it), but since this plot was "challenging," there was a need for some experienced - or at least committed and enthusiastic - gardeners to take over what Mr. Beeton immediately called Plot 9 from Outer Space. We put our name in the ring, hoping that no one else would want the plot. Of course, that night, we walked over to the Whitehaven Community Garden to check it out, and it was like going to the pound. Don't do it. You'll get attached.
Our hopes were buoyed even further when we got another email message from the garden manager asking for "last call." I thought for sure that meant no one had responded to the first call, but later that day, we found out someone higher on the list beat us to it.
So, for now, we'll have to be content with what we've got out back. A few containers of tomatoes, peppers, mint, basil, and a blackberry bush. Not bad for first-time urban gardeners but certainly no Plot 9 from Outer Space.

Keep sweeping, Martha
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