
the hope is

I didn't wake up tired this morning. Instead, I fed Baby Beeton while I was fully awake, and the two of us slipped out of the room when we were finished - Ella at our heels - to let Mr. Beeton get a few more hours of rest. We played downstairs, practiced sitting up. I was able to eat breakfast, get laundry put away, and straighten up the living room. When Mr. Beeton woke up, he watched Baby Beeton for a while so that I could get some work done on my editing project. Baby Beeton took a long morning nap. Then, we all went for a family walk, which was followed by another nap. More playtime, dinner, and bath. And, now, the Baby is swaddled, fast asleep.

Today was a good day.

Keep sweeping, Martha

Watched Bad Teacher.

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