In being all caught up inside my own head, I've been forgetting to record all of the really fun things that have been going on around here. One major source - solid foods!
When the pediatrician first told us about starting solids, I looked at it as a welcome break from nursing. Little did I know that it was just a chance to feed my little man three times more a day than I already was feeding him. Grr.
But, actually, it's not been bad. He really likes everything he's tried and sits so good in his highchair for us. He likes it so much that in the evening, after he's done, he'll continue to sit and play while Mr. Beeton and I eat our own dinner.
Baby Beeton's menu choices are as follows:
- Proteins = chicken, beef, turkey
- Vegetables = sweet potato, squash, corn, green beans, peas, carrots
- Fruits = peaches, pears, apples, bananas, prunes, avocado
- Grains = oatmeal and rice cereal
And, because of his fondness for mealtime, we've become more adventurous about eating out. So far, Baby Beeton has been to Everyday Gourmet, Roscoe's, Mrs. K's Tollhouse, Clyde's at Willow Creek, Olive Garden, Mark's Kitchen, Austin Grill, Il Fornaio, and Potbelly's. I'm working up the nerve to make some Valentine's Day lunch reservations at a landmark D.C. spot with Baby Beeton in tow as a surprise for Mr. Beeton. I'll let you know if that works out.

Keep sweeping, Martha
Finished reading Tea Obreht's The Tiger's Wife.
1 comment:
I have always wanted to go to Mrs. K's Tollhouse!!!!
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