The other day I tuned into Rachel Ray's talk show. I'm not a huge Rachel Ray fan in the least. But, Jessica and Ashlee Simpson were on, and I have to admit that I've always had a soft spot for those sisters. (Sidenote: My obsession with Jessica used to run very deep. Mr. Beeton and I went to the
Barton Creek Resort and Spa to celebrate our dating anniversary when we lived in Austin, Texas one summer simply because Nick and Jessica held their reception there.) While watching, I realized that Rachel's set, which you can see
here, has some eerily similar qualities to our own redesigned kitchen - the yellow walls, the chalkboard painted pantry doors. We'd based our color scheme on a photograph we'd seen in a magazine, but here was the actualization of our dream in a different form - complete with the glass front cabinets and the black and white tile floors that we hope to eventually have. Of course, Rachel has a super retro fridge, which we had thought about (we're now leaning toward a commercial fridge for space and aesthetic reasons), and her set is twice the size of our little galley. But, I thought the similarities were uncanny.

Our Julia Child inspired peg board.

Our new yellow cabinets, white walls, and patterned curtains.

Our chalkboard pantry doors.
Keep sweeping, Martha
it looks so bright and sunny you guys!!!
your kitchen is looking AMAZING!!!
Oh gosh, your yellow cabinets are so darling! Love!! Hope all is well with you and Henry!
Thanks, Nikki! I hope you are doing well, too. (Wait until we get the checkered floors...then it's gonna be nuts!)
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