I think I may have mentioned before that every closet in our house is covered in ugly brown wallpaper. (Check it out here.) It not only hideous, but it also smells and looks like someone randomly threw water on parts of it... so it has darker, dried drips throughout. It grosses me out, but Mr. Beeton and I recognize our limitations and put away our clothes anyway. But, I cannot put away the clean baby clothes in that nasty closet. So, I started to remove the wallpaper with a steamer. It comes off rather easily, but it's a pain. It's hot out; the closet is cramped; and I'm nine months pregnant. Enough said.
But, it will be great when it's finally done. The closet in Baby Beeton's room is super deep, so we are going to hang two rows of clothes - adult dress clothes in the back, baby clothes in the front. And, we are going to install another, lower closet rod for more space. In my dreams it looks a bit like this. Our hall closet gives me hope. We did a major overhaul on it (pictures to come). And, it is not only clean but super organized to boot.
If you're wondering what the veggie comparison is for this week, it's a leek in terms of length. In terms of weight, it feels like a lead filled basketball.

Keep sweeping, Martha
PS - We have to give an official welcome to two new babies this week - Baby B and Baby Q! Baby Beeton will be psyched to have a cousin so close in age, and from what we've seen so far both babies are adorable!
PPS - Thanks to the family for coming down this past weekend to help us prep for Baby Beeton! We finally removed that nasty kitchen fan and stocked up on essentials that we still hadn't gotten for the baby! This weekend, the other half of the family is coming by to celebrate May birthdays and see the nursery.
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