
beautiful bliss


That was a production.

It's been over a week since we scheduled our U-Haul for the big move and look where we are. Nearly a week later, we were still moving all those little things that you forget to pack, cleaning out the dust balls which had taken over, and scouring the old tub. And, today, in our new place, we're still struggling with the chaos. There's so much to be done. Lining the kitchen cabinets, finding the perfect shower curtain, painting, and unpacking boxes and boxes and boxes of books. But, this is the fun part. That's what I keep telling myself.

People have been asking, "Does it feel like home yet?" And I can say honestly, "No. It doesn't. I couldn't find my toothbrush for three days!" But, the other night when we made our first home cooked meal, it started to get close. We didn't have much in the fridge, so we made do with a delicious tomato salad (a simple recipe from an old boyfriend's Italian mother - sliced tomatoes with garlic, oregano, basil, balsamic and olive oil) and an Orangette special - Pasta with Hashed Brussel Sprouts and Pine Nuts. (Ironically, Molly's post title is "Refilled and Refueled." Appropriate in this case as well.)

We sat on our new screened-in porch at an old table that the former owner left behind (along with a lot of other interesting items I'm too polite to mention here). The sun was beginning to dip behind the police tower, and we were hungry and tired from the week of stress. In that moment, yes, it felt like home.

Keep sweeping, Martha

PS - When this post first went up, I should have given a HUGE shout out to the four wonderful, wonderful men who helped us move - our neighbors-now-friends, the Chemist, and the Nutty Professor! We couldn't have done it without you guys!

PPS - How could I forget to thank my wonderful Brother #3! Without his pick-up truck (and muscle) we might still be on Calvert Street!


Anonymous said...

glad to see you are still posting. Was a little afraid that your last post was a goodbye to blogging in general!!! Courtney

Martha Beeton said...

No way, Courtney! We were just crazed with moving! I'll let you know when the official housewarming party is.