
you're never fully dressed

It's amazing the difference a smile can make.

Things around the Beeton household of late have been less than ideal. Our little man really threw our carefully crafted life into a tailspin. We were warned, I know. And, we thought we were prepared. But, we've learned you can never really prepare for the chaos that a crying little prince can bring (you may have read about the havoc in a prematurely published post if you have Google reader... my apologies... "Schooling the Bad Parent" had not been properly polished before I hit publish).

But then, something miraculous happened. We got a smile. A full on, gummy little smile. And the world changed. All of the sudden parenting wasn't just 2 am feedings, crying jags, and dirty diapers.

Don't get me wrong. Not every day is great. And most days are pretty darn hard. But, a smile and a coo can make all the difference on even the most difficult of days.

Keep sweeping, Martha

Watching Season Two: Modern Family.

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