
lucky number ?

Sometimes I'm amazed at how many comments some bloggers get on their sites, and I wonder how to make that happen. Recently, while in OCNJ, my sister (who knows all the good blogs) turned me onto Young House Love - a couple who blogged about their DIY home renovation projects so successfully that they are now make a living as full time bloggers (so jealous)! I've been wondering what I can do to further promote my site. Have my post updates announced in my Facebook feed? Change the name of my site? (Did you know that the term "homekeeper" has strong Christian connotations? I'm wondering if people stumble upon my site and leave confused...)

My sister insists that the only way to have a successful blog is to have giveaways. Yes, giveaways. (Apparently, she is of the belief that to make money you have to spend money.) At first, I thought that was just silly, but then, when I accidentally ordered two copies of the same book the other day, I thought, "Hey. Maybe I'll give this a try."

I'm sure that some of you have heard of Ruth Reichl - food writer extraordinaire. My new book - which is about contemporary women's food memoirs - deals a lot with Reichl because she loves, loves, loves to write memoirs. I stumbled across a book she wrote, Not Becoming My Mother, the other day and decided to order it. Then, I noticed that there was another book listed For You Mom, Finally, so I ordered that, too. They are the same book, however; Reichl changed the title when she got some flack for seemingly bashing her mother.

So... if you'd like me to mail you a FREE copy of For You Mom, Finally (the paperback edition), just post a comment on this entry. Next Friday, I'll pick the lucky winner and send whoever it may be a copy of the book. Sound good?

Now get writing.

Keep sweeping, Martha


JJ said...

Your sister is probably right. Partly. BUT, you should try to get a gig reviewing books (food memoirs even), then publishers will send you free review copies that you can give away--no money spent! Or, you could review books on your blog--it's the hot new thing in book buzz and publicists love it now. In the meantime, here's a link to a list of links on tips for blogging that's so long it will likely keep you from ever finishing the walls:
Keep blogging,

P.S. I like Reichl's first title much better.

Vaiden said...

Nice try JJ. I'm getting this book, no matter how long your comment is.

Martha Beeton said...

Ignore Mr. Beeton, please.