The long awaited comeback meal post...
I have to admit. The first three months of this journey were not easy. I'm a little slow to warm up to change to begin with, and then when I began to lose my appetite and feel just generally "blah," I began to wonder what Mr. Beeton had gotten me into. Never before had I realized just how much I use food to celebrate, well, just about everything. (I blame my Nana Beeton for this who met both the good and bad in life with green jello salad, sugar on tomatoes, and lobster.) Students groveling over grades? At least beef stoganoff was waiting at home. It's the weekend? Time to celebrate with salmon and lime butter sauce. All of the sudden, though, the only thing I could stomach was tomato juice, banana strawberry smoothies from McDonald's (no other kind would do), and rice cakes... so many rice cakes.
And, then, Thanksgiving weekend, the baby said, "Well, I guess we're done with that," and my appetite kicked back in. Everything tasted good again (well, actually, everything except tomato juice... anyone want a case?). I could eat; I could cook; it was wonderful. I guess it's true that you never really know how much you love something until you don't have it anymore.
The second trimester arrived just in time for our monthly bookclub meeting, which I was hosting. It's a wonderful group of a half-a-dozen women from the D.M.V., and we meet about once a month to talk about whatever book we've selected (appropriately, December's selection was
The Persian Pickle Club... pickles were also something I had no trouble eating from Day 1). I decided that I had enough energy to finally remove the wallpaper glue from the living room walls and paint as well as prepare a winter meal for the meeting. I convinced a reluctant Mr. Beeton to help. The morning of the bookclub we finally finished painting the ceiling, and we set up like we were on some kind of design show challenge. But everything looked beautiful. I'll post before and after pictures soon. With the progress we've been making on our house, I almost feel like it's a real home (or at least I will when the sticky tile is out of the kitchen for good).
And the meal. I made
Amy's Vegetarian Chili, but I made it in the crock pot - easier and better, I think, because the flavors really have a chance to meld. I also made Nigella Lawson's
Ultimate Greek Salad, which never, ever disappoints; it's a Beeton party staple. Mulled wine was also on the menu for those who weren't expecting. I've tried mulled wine in the past, but
this recipe is the best I've come across. Our friend E brought an assortment of desserts from a cookie-making party that she had attended, which really saved the day in the dessert department.
And, this weekend, we have our housewarming party! Having all our friends (and some of our family) in to show off what we've done will be so fun... now only if I could have a cocktail.
Keep sweeping, Martha
Watched The Kids Are All Right, Dinner for Schmucks, Going the Distance, and Cyrus. Watching Big Love: Season 4. Finished reading The Persian Pickle Club by Sandra Dallas and The Atlas of Love by Laurie Frankel (an old graduate school friend).