

Remember last summer? The summer of leaning back? Well, suffice it to say that the Summer of 2014 is a far cry from that.* It's been a bit of a grind. This administrative position, which I am so ill-suited for, has been stealing away the tranquil moments of last summer, the bubble blowing and popsicle eating. It's tough. And I'm not happy with it. But, I'm trudging onward.

It's times like these when you just want to curl up on your bed and draw the shades.

When we moved Boy Beeton to the guest room, we had reservations. The move made sense because the room was bigger, and it didn't have a shared wall with our neighbors. But, it's also in the back of the house and gets a lot of sun. In the winter, it sometimes feels like a greenhouse in there, all steamy and warm.

I knew, if we were to see past 6:30 am, we needed some serious blackout curtains. I looked online and found this tutorial. I had bought white fabric ages ago in the hopes of making curtains for our guest room, which looked like this:

But, I never got around to it. Instead, I used the white fabric as the base for Boy Beeton's curtains, and I edged them in this orange fabric, which looks curiously like a pair of shorts I own (channeling my inner Maria, I guess):

I ordered blackout fabric and cut it to size. I dug out some old curtain clips that we had bought on clearance when West Elm downtown closed and hung everything together. You wouldn't believe how well they work. The sun tries its best to sneak through, but these curtains are unstoppable.

Boy Beeton's room is now the ultimate place to curl up and shut out the rest of the world. That's probably why - when I'm laying in there at night as Boy Beeton falls asleep - that I fall asleep too. I'm blaming the curtains.

Keep sweeping, Martha

* Borrowing R's asterisk technique. Don't worry about me too much. We did manage to get to the pop shop, and we have blown our share of bubbles. Our friends from Savannah came to visit, and we also snuck in quick trips to Deep Creek Lake, Raleigh, and Annapolis. And, last night was glorious - dinner and a movie with a dear friend.

Watched Boyhood.


Anonymous said...

You make curtains??!! I may have to enlist your services; do you do in-home consults?

Martha Beeton said...

Oh I absolutely do! I would totally make you some... I'm getting a lot better at it. Working on some for the dining room now.