

Those of you who are loyal readers already know that two impending deadlines are fast approaching. The first marks the end of my fifteen month leave from teaching (one semester of family leave, one semester of sabbatical, two summers) - August 21st. The second is the upcoming deadline for my book project (don't get too excited... it's a scholarly analysis of food writing) - September 1st. In order to get things done and not crack up entirely, I'll be taking a little break from all things distracting - mainly the Internet.

But, I thought before I departed I would leave you with a photograph of the newest member of our family - Rusty James. Mr. Beeton tells me that Rusty was a stowaway who magically appeared in his school bag one day after being used as a model for one of the science summer camp sessions. As you can see, Mr. Beeton's made it quite nice for him here on Quackenbos Street, not to mention that someone else is quite taken with the PISH as well.

Keep sweeping, Martha


Courtney said...

Will miss you until you return!

Courtney said...
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Martha Beeton said...

Thanks, Courtney!