

When Baby Beeton was born, our friends k & d got him a little t-shirt from Wry Baby. The shirt came wrapped up in a bag, which boldly announced that Mysterio would predict our son's future. We had only to undo the red drawstrings on the bag to reveal what was in store for us, printed on a tiny tee-shirt.

What's on our horizon? Donut tycoon. While, as a Pennsylvanian, I can't really be disappointed by this potential outcome, it does get me to thinking about just how unpredictable the future can be with a baby in tow. Sometimes, thinking about what a day will look like a month, two months, or three months from now, how they will take shape, seems almost as laughable as imagining Baby Beeton ruling over rows and rows of steaming balls of fried dough.

On bad days, the unpredictability is beyond upsetting. Please, please, please, just take a nap with Momma. On good days, though, it's beyond fabulous. Laughing hysterically at the word "windy;" finding inordinate joy in banging on a bowl; sleeping until 4:30 am and settling right back after eating. These are the moments I live for.

Though Mysterio boldly declares he knows our future, his predictions are as playful as the future itself (we bought a tee-shirt for a friend whose son is doomed to be a criminal master mind). We might have ideas of what we want the future to hold, but in reality, it's all just a shot in the dark. In any case, I feel certain that all kinds of potential fun is headed our way.

Happy nine month birthday, Baby Beeton!

Keep sweeping, Martha

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