
movin' on up

I'm getting a little teary-eyed. It's not easy leaving an apartment and a neighborhood and people that you really, really love. I'm excited about the new place, but when I walked into our dismantled living room last night, it was hard not to cry. Luckily, the girls next door to us clogged up their sink drain. It backed up into our sink, and I thought to myself, "Okay. Maybe, I'm ready to move on."

So... to make the pain less painful, I thought I'd make a list of all the things I won't miss about my wonderful railroad apartment. (Because going to the Greek festival tonight and a party at Breadsoda on Monday night is not helping.)

1) The cleaning people. They have an uncanny knack for arriving just when I'm about to head out to walk Ella. Doesn't matter what time of day. On a Tuesday or Thursday, they are always waiting right outside the door as soon as I open it (though I do appreciate the great work that they do on our hallway!).

2) Talking Ella down the stairs at night for last call.

3) The creepy laundry room.

4) The marginally insane neighbors. Sinks backing up, walking around naked with all the shades up, calls for house meetings, the inability to pick up newspapers and junk mail, none of this I will miss.

5) Our kitchen. It's tiny. Very tiny.

6) No windows in the bedroom. Okay, we have windows, but they don't go outside.

7) The no good, terrible, horrible carpeting in the back (though we are exchanging it for no good, terrible, horrible carpeting in the basement, but we can replace it!).

8) No parking after 9 pm! That really irks me.

9) The construction at Stoddert.

10) Okay. Maybe that one about the neighbors should count for two.

In any case, tomorrow we are moving the big furniture, and I hope it works out for us. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous, and we have some friends coming to help. Those two facts alone put us at an advantage with our other D.C. move, which consisted of me and Mr. Beeton (and Ella, of course, but she just cries rather than lifts).

Okay. Back to packing. Is that the drain gurgling again?

Keep sweeping, Martha

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